GEDA industrial permanent elevators guarantee the smooth, efficient and safe transportation of people and materials where they are required. Call us today to discuss your requirements on 01536 206600.

Choose Your Model

The GEDA Standard elevator range covers load capacities from 400 to 3,200 kg. The modular design also provides the customer with the choice of different car dimensions and hoisting speeds of up to 60 m/min.

300 ZP P
Powerful, compact, and folding – the GEDA 300 ZP P combines all these features in one transport platform that is suitable for permanent installation.

500 ZP P
Whether for maintenance and repair work or as a convenient transport tool in warehouses and logistics: The permanent GEDA 500 ZP P transport platform was specially adapted to the requirements of a variety of different industrial environments.

850 ZM P
The GEDA 850 ZM P material hoist is installed as a convenient transport system for warehousing and logistics functions in many different sectors. The spacious platform without a roof provides space for up to 850 kg of materials and transports all goods safely and efficiently up to a height of 100 m

1200 ZM P
The GEDA 1200 ZM P has three different platform variants and can therefore be easily adapted to the conditions on-site. Even bulky goods can be easily transported thanks to the spacious transport platform without a roof.

1200 ZP P
The GEDA 1200 ZP P transport platform boasts three different speed variants along with an extensive range of platform versions. Despite the high load capacity of 1,500 kg, the GEDA 1200 ZP P transport platform is guided on only one mast, thanks to the low anchoring forces.

1500 ZP P
Guided on two masts, the GEDA 1500 ZP P is often installed for maintenance and repair work due to it's exerted anchoring forces being incredibly low on the construction it's attached to.

3700 ZP P
Meeting the market requirements for higher load capacities and larger platforms, the GEDA 3700 ZP P permanent transport platform hoist boasts four different platform variants with a maximum load capacity of 3700kg.

BL 2000 P
Wherever heavy loads have to be transported to great heights, the GEDA BL 2000 P gets the job done. The huge platform size allows the transport of bulky goods up to a staggering height of 250m.

Multilift P12 P
Customised specifically for industrial requirements such as maintenance and repair work on asphalt mixing plants or cement works, the GEDA Multilift P12 P passenger and materials hoist combines all the benefits of the proven GEDA Multilift range in a permanently installed hoist solution.